Sunday, June 17, 2007

My brain is stuck in Wisconsin!

I just called to make a reservation at a campsite, for July 7th and 8th. In MINNESOTA. I kept saying,

"So how far are you from Menomonie, Wisconsin?"

The lady was very confused. She kept saying,

"ma'am, we're in MINNESOTA."

Finally I got my act together, or as my students say, I got my head in the game. I reserved two nights at this lovely campsite on the lake. I forget what lake.

This is from their website:

If you're into birding, this is the place to be! With 86 acres of prairie seeded with wildflowers, butterflies, meadow birds, bluebirds and hummingbirds abound. Loons and bald eagles are seen as they migrate to and from their winter/summer areas. Raptors are numerous with the meadow and woods nearby and waterbirds from herons to kingfishers are seen. Bring your binoculars and hiking staff because you're in for a real treat.

Um... RAPTORS???

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