Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Random Bits Of thoughts

I have been taking pictures &video and writing lots and sending it all to blogger. Turns out that while I'm in "extended network" I can't send picture or video messages! The same for VZ Navigator, which is the really neat GPS system verizon offers. Neat when it works, of course. So, like I said before, pictures will come later. Ah well. We walked around Independence Rock yesterday and saw the signatures of settlers that came across in wagons a hundred and sixty years ago! Original graffiti artists. We walked around the whole thing! It was a hundred and seven degrees. We were so thirsty we both drank two whole gat*orades when we got back in the car. Now we just left Carhenge. Before that we were at Scott's Bluff. Cool rocks! Now we are on to Minden, NE, to stay at Pioneer Village. We might drive on till it's dark just to escape the heat!

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