Monday, August 13, 2007

Life Is Good.

I am sitting in a camp chair and it is dark, with the exception of the campfire. I have eaten two smores(w/70% dark chocolate!) and one bloated, toasty leftover Easter Peep. The wind and the creek are gently rustling and J is writing postcards by a flashlight. I have written some but not sent them. Addresses are in somewheresville. Today was a really excellent day. We hung out @the local cafe w/locals. We relaxed. We were tourists. We did laundry. We ate a great meal cooked over the fire. Tomorrow we head to Independence Rock. That's where all the folks heading to Oregon in wagons in the olden days would stop and etch their names in the rock before heading on. I am learning so much on this trip! From air pressure to how rocks are formed to history of the pioneers. I love this trip.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't tell you how wonderful that sounds and how glad I am to hear the trip continues so successfully..... Can't wait to see you guys again!