Sunday, August 5, 2007

Where Do We Go From Here?

We are having a hard time deciding where to go as we leave the West Coast. Do we take 80 through Nevada, which will be fast but ultimately boring, or head for Brice and Zion National parks which will be very beautiful, but HOT...

We stayed last night (and will stay tonight) with friends who took great care of us! They fixed us a lovely meal of roast chicken, vegetables from their garden, and a homemade berry/peach crisp with local vanilla ice cream to go with. We played with their GIGANTIC 8 month old baby, who seems very advanced both motor skills-wise and mentally.

This morning they made us french toast out of cinnamon bread and we had more of that great west coast coffee... Yum....

We may or may not go sightsee San Francisco. We're broke and tired and might just want to get an oil change and rest. I wanted to see a friend today who lives here in the Bay Area and makes these amazing mosaics. Later I will create a link to her website since they are so beautiful. But she does not seem to be answering my text messages.

Thank heaven for cell phones. They've saved us from some jams on this trip!

J finally read the last Harry Potter, so I can talk about it! Yay!

If I don't get to post for the next few days it probably means that we are in an area with limited internet, which is surprisingly, a lot of this country! It's amazing how narrow my view is of the country, living in New York. I think things stay open late (that's been a big shocker!!), I will find a wide variety of products available, which I sometimes do and sometimes don't... It's hard to find a rhyme or reason to that one. The convenience store right outside Yellowstone just happened to be amazingly diverse- all kinds of natural products and organic and everything.

I really thought I'd be getting online ALL THE TIME. Some days it has just been that we've been traveling all day and it just isn't a priority to stop and do email stuff. Sometimes I want to and there's nothing for miles and miles. For that matter, sometimes there isn't even food or GAS for a super long time, so I'm extra grateful for our Bin Of Snacks. Nothing in there is so delicious that I want to gobble it all up in one sitting, with the exception of the freeze dried fruit, so I know there are peanut butter crackers or fig newtons or whatever for when we just want to keep driving instead of stop to eat, or if there's nothing that grabs us.

We've managed to stick to the rule of no national chains. Other than ONE dalliance and Dairy Queen, everything we've eaten has been local, mostly independently owned, and quite often on the west coast, organic. We've been pretty lucky!

Our friends have been such awesome hosts. I confess that I've started rating them for things like Best Sleeping Accommodations or Best Food or in the case of the place we're at now- Cutest Baby. I think this place takes the ribbon in SEVERAL categories.

The car is getting hard to manage with all th junk we're accumulating. I've gotten a lot of hand me downs, including four pairs of shoes and a few shirts! I suggested mailing stuff home but that just seemed to get complicated.

So, on we go. We'd really like to see Carhenge (google it) but we'd also like to see Pioneer Village, which is on the other side of the state. I'd like to eat a really great steak. Thoughts? Where would YOU go from herE?


Anonymous said...

If you're able to see some really beautiful and amzaing places, don't miss BRYCE. To spend time on something like Carhenge seems silly because you aren't going to be driving across country again in the near future, are you? Take in all the natural sights and sites that you can. Nothing beats them or replicates them. Glad to read your newest entry. Obviously you're not heading toward sounthern CA and won't be visiting Palmdale and the Los Angeles area?
Happy Birthday to J. Grandma A.

Lo said...

Happy Birthday J!